The Best Lawyers in Worcester, MA Will Protect Your Freedom

If You or a Loved One Has Been Arrested for a Crime, Then You Need the Best Lawyers in Worcester County on Your Side

Contact the law offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP today if you are in need of the best criminal defense available in the Worcester county area. Anyone searching for the best lawyers in Worcester, MA would benefit from hiring the experienced lawyers at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP because of their combined 50 years of successful trial lawyering. Call us for a free consultation now: (508) 570-3037.

Do not just take our word on it; take a look at a testimonial from a past client:

“I hired Brian Murphy in 2011 and could not have been more satisfied with the services received.

Mr. Murphy was consistently the smartest person in the room, and he used his intelligence to quickly turn the tables in my favor. In addition to being impressively sharp, Mr. Murphy is experienced, highly aggressive, and very responsive. His attention to detail is impeccable.

The case was decided in my favor. If I’m ever in need of a lawyer in the future, I will seek out his services without hesitation.”

What the Best Lawyers in Worcester, MA Will Do for You Once an Arrest Has Been Made

It is best to hire or retain a criminal defense lawyer as soon as an arrest is made. This ensures you the most protection under the law.

A good criminal defense lawyer will advise you to not say anything until the charges of the case are examined with more depth. The attorney will serve as an advocate for the accused and will act with the best interests of the client.

The best lawyers in Worcester, MA understand all the details of their client’s case. They are either adept at researching the evidence of the case, or they hire investigators to do this while simultaneously interviewing witnesses or potential witnesses. This is where the defense strategy is built and the prosecution’s evidence is thoroughly investigated, allowing the best criminal defense lawyers to find holes in the prosecution’s story.

Need the best trial lawyers on your side? Call us for a free consultation now: (508) 570-3037

The Benefits of Having an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer on Your Side

There are many benefits to hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

First, criminal defense lawyers handle pleas. For lesser offenses, top defense attorneys will consider plea bargains from the prosecution and, based on the investigation of the case, will determine if it is worth accepting the plea. A defense attorney may even try to negotiate for an even better plea option.

Of course, the best criminal defense lawyers will only recommend accepting a plea if they are not confident in a better outcome at trial. The decision is ultimately up to the accused, but the attorney will provide insight on the best decision to make for the situation.

If the case goes to trial, then a criminal defense lawyer may be involved in the jury selection process, if a jury and not a single judge is presiding over the case. If the selection process is involved, then the lawyer is tasked with selecting a jury of peers who may be sympathetic to the accused.

The criminal defense lawyers at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP will then defend you aggressively at trial, fighting for your rights and freedom with every possible defense strategy available to them.

Contact the Law Offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP for the Best Criminal Defense

Do not wait any longer if you or a loved one has been arrested and charged with a criminal offense. At Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP, we aggressively defend adults, juveniles and college students who have been charged with crimes throughout Worcester, Worcester County, and surrounding areas in Massachusetts. Reach out to the experienced trial lawyers at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP for a free consultation: (508) 570-3037. Your future depends on it.

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