About Us
Meet Our Worcester, Middlesex and Hampden Legal Team
When you or your loved one have been arrested, if you learn of a criminal investigation against you, or if you are otherwise involved in a criminal matter, it is vital that you do not waste any time hiring a devoted criminal defense attorney in Worcester County. From the moment you contact our firm to the day your case is complete, our lawyers keep your best interests in mind and always work hard to find a legal solution to help you.
Your Partners in the Fight
When people seek out an attorney, they’re almost always facing a problem that is not just legally significant, it’s personally challenging. It could be facing criminal charges. The full weight of the District Attorney’s office is coming down, and the client wonders if they can get a fair shake, or if the plea deal being offered them is worth it. The problem can also be in family law. It may be a private legal dispute and there may not be jail on the line, but how matters like property divisions in a divorce, child custody, and other sensitive issues get worked out, will shape what a client’s future life is going to look like.
Going through these, and other types of legal challenges, is burdensome to people. They need to know that their attorney will lift that burden from their shoulders. Clients need to know that their lawyer has the experience necessary to understand how to manage each case, with all the unique dynamics it offers. Clients need to know that their attorney has the resources to be fully prepared to engage effectively with opposing counsel, whether that’s with the D.A. or with another family lawyer. And a client must certainly be reassured that their attorney believes in them strongly enough to fight at trial for their rights and reputation.
Your Trusted Advocates
The good people of Worcester, Middlesex, and Hampden counties have been able to find the lawyer they need at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP since we opened in 2010. We brought together a team of attorneys that can leverage a combined 70 years of experience. Moreover, we’re proud to have put together a deep and talented staff that works diligently to see no detail is overlooked.
We know the value of examining evidence, hiring investigators, interviewing witnesses, and filing legally significant motions. We work within the strict time limits of the court to ensure that our clients not incur additional penalties, fines, or wasted time.
Above all, we know what your case means to you and those you love. At Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP you’ll be treated with the respect and dignity you need and deserve. From the moment you contact our firm, you get an entire team working for you. You get diligent work, passionate advocacy, and clear communication about where you stand at every point of your case. Above all, you get an attorney and legal team who believe in you and your rights.
Call Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP today at (508) 570-3037 or contact us online to set up a free consultation.