Reasons to Appeal a Criminal Case You Need to Know About

The Lawyers at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP Can Share With You Reasons to Appeal a Criminal Case, and They Can Help You Win the Appeal, Too

Appeals are not uncommon in the legal system. They are requests to higher courts to review and change a lower court’s decision. Criminal defendants have the right to appeal a conviction or the sentence associated with a conviction. A successful appeal either restores the case to its initial stages, or gets the case thrown out if there is insufficient evidence for retrying the criminal defendant.

Do you believe you have reasons to appeal a criminal case? We share some of the common reasons below, in case you are unsure if an appeal is right for you. If you want to appeal and you need a trained criminal appellate lawyer, then contact the law offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP now for a free consultation: (508) 570-3037.

Reasons Why Clients Choose Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP to Represent Them in Appellate Court

Most of our appellate clients come to us initially because they feel their rights were not upheld during trial or sentencing, and feel they have a strong chance in proving this.

Clients also come to us for appellate court representation so that they can have a fresh set of skilled eyes on their case. Our criminal appellate lawyers can bring a new perspective to the case. Most people who have already been convicted for a crime choose to have a different lawyer represent them in appellate court for this reason.

Furthermore, there are additional reasons to appeal sentences. These include sentencing situations where:

  • The sentence is seen as illegal, unconstitutional, or excessive.
  • Facts were presented that a jury did not find to be true beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • The sentence was based on invalid reasons.
  • The sentence involved an improper denial of a continuance.
  • The sentence goes beyond its authority.
  • The sentence was disproportionate to the crime.

Do you have a reason to appeal your case? Do one of these sentencing issues apply to you? If so, sign up for a free consultation or speak with a trained attorney today: (508) 570-3037.

You Need a Lawyer That Specializes in Appeals if You Want to Win an Appeal

Hiring the right criminal appellate lawyer is imperative to winning in appeals court. Typically an appeal is more difficult to win because of the prior ruling. However, it can be done with the help of skilled criminal defense appeals lawyers who can emphasize the record of law and build the case on appeal. These lawyers know what appellate judges care about and what they want to see from a successful criminal defense.

Our Worcester criminal appeals attorneys relish the opportunity to appeal cases as they play a part in shaping the law. With over 50 years of collective experience, the legal team at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP is highly-trained to represent clients in appeal court, deliver briefs and arguments, and win the appeal.

Do not wait any longer if you believe your rights have been violated in court. Contact us today for a free consultation via our online form or directly by phone: (508) 570-3037.

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