Hire a Weapons Defense Lawyer in Massachusetts to Protect Your Rights

Weapons Charges Can Be Significant. Hiring a Weapons Defense Lawyer Is Your Best Option for Safeguarding Your Rights and Ensuring Your Future Freedom

A conviction on weapons charges can have serious consequences, including large fines, a criminal record, and often jail time. If you or a loved one is being charged with a weapons crime, then we recommend you enlist professional legal help, or the most severe penalties may become a reality. 

If you or a loved one has been charged with a weapons crime in the areas of Springfield or Worcester, Massachusetts, then you need to speak with the legal team at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP. This group of defense lawyers has a combined experience of over 50 years in representing those accused of crimes. Their history of success is impressive, and they can bring that level of understanding and diligent defense to your side. Contact our representatives today to discuss the specifics of your criminal case during a free consultation: (508) 570-3037

Understanding Weapons Charges to Receive the Most-Impactful Defense

Our experience with weapons charges involves an array of items used as weapons. The list of potential weapons would be exceedingly long if we were to attempt to include it here. However, some of the most common weapons defense charges we work with include firearms, knives, and motor vehicles. The intent to use an item as a weapon and to cause harm is an argument the prosecution often uses during weapons crimes cases. 

It is important for us to mention a few specific criminal charges involved with firearms, since they are the most-common weapon involved in weapons charges we defend. These include possessing a firearm without a license, or carrying it in a public area. Improperly storing a firearm is also a punishable offense, as is defacing the serial number on a firearm, or discharging it within 500 feet of a building. 

The Benefits of Hiring a Weapons Defense Lawyer

One of the biggest benefits of hiring a weapons defense lawyer includes providing you with a level playing field. The prosecution is composed of a set of trained, experienced members of the legal system who know how to operate accordingly within the system to win cases. Their careers are built on prosecuting those who break the law, just as a criminal defense lawyer focuses their career on defending the rights of the accused. 

You will always have a better chance of winning your case and having the charges dropped if you enlist the guidance of a defense lawyer who is experienced in defending weapons charges and winning those cases. 

Work With a Weapons Defense Lawyer From Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP if You Are in the Areas of Worcester or Springfield, Massachusetts

With over five decades of cumulative experience, our criminal defense lawyers know how to aggressively and intelligently fight a weapons offense. We regularly work with private investigators and forensic experts to hold the prosecution accountable in every situation possible. 

We are able to litigate discovery and evidentiary motions to ensure that your case is in the best possible position to seek a favorable outcome at trial. If you need a weapons defense lawyer, we can help you. Contact our knowledgeable legal representatives today to discuss the specifics of your case during a free consultation: (508) 570-3037.

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