RMV Lawyers in MA Can Help With Your Driving Privileges

There Are a Variety of Reasons to Enlist the Services of RMV Lawyers in MA, Especially if a License Has Been Revoked or Suspended

A driver’s license is a valuable asset to have in the state of Massachusetts, especially if you reside in an area where public transportation is sparse or unreliable.

If you or a loved one has been charged with driving offenses that have resulted in the temporary loss or suspension of a driver’s license, then it is a smart idea to hire one of the experienced RMV lawyers in MA. If you reside in the Worcester or Springfield areas of Massachusetts, then you should contact the criminal defense team at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP. This group of highly-skilled defense lawyers have over 50 years of cumulative experience in protecting the rights of clients. Schedule a free consultation today to discuss the specifics of your case by completing the online contact form or calling directly now: (508) 570-3037.

How RMV Lawyers in MA Help Their Clients

In the state of Massachusetts, charges and convictions associated with operating a motor vehicle under the influence (OUI) often lead to driver’s license suspensions or revocations. In a situation like this, it is necessary for the person charged or convicted of a driving offense to apply for license reinstatement. This process is not necessarily an easy one, as cases may be complex in relation to the specific administrative rules and laws that are involved. An RMV lawyer makes the process easier, as they understand the local, state, and federal laws associated with driving offenses. Drivers historically have had an easier time getting favorable results from their case when they work with an experienced RMV lawyer.

There are specific procedures and guidelines that must be followed in order for a suspended license to be legitimate. If a suspension is not warranted, or some of the necessary procedures have not been met, then a trained RMV lawyer can be the difference-maker in the decision process. The best RMV lawyers will advocate for their clients, proving that a suspended license is illegitimate and that the suspension is not warranted.

Massachusetts law provides every driver with the right to appeal most RMV hearing decisions. If the initial ruling was decided not in your favor, then you and your RMV lawyer have 10 days to file an appeal with the Board of Appeal on Motor Vehicle Liability & Bonds. However, if the suspended license was due to a Chemical Test Refusal (CTR), then the initial hearing must be won for the license to be reinstated. There is no option for appeal in this situation, and if the case is not won, then the full revocation period must be served.

It is recommended that drivers who have been arrested and charged with a CTR violation hire a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible, as the driver only has 15 days from the arrest date to apply for an RMV suspension hearing. Otherwise, like mentioned above, the revocation period must be served in full.

Top RMV Lawyers in MA Can Help With a Variety of Rmv Hearings, Including:

  • Chemical Test Refusal hearings
  • Conditional License hearings for drivers seeking Hardship Licenses
  • License Reinstatement hearings
  • Out-of-State revocation hearings
  • Ignition Interlock Device & removal hearings

Hiring RMV Lawyers From the Law Offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP

Losing a license can be a life-changing experience. Fortunately, there may be ways for drivers to get their license back if laws were broken, or rules were not followed. There are also ample reasons to get a hardship license.

If you are in need of a defense lawyer who understands the guidelines and procedures of the Massachusetts RMV, and you are in the Worcester or Springfield areas, then you need to contact the law offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP today. Schedule a free consultation through our contact form to discuss the specifics of your case, or call directly now: (508) 570-3037.

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