Facing Criminal Charges? A Drug Charge Attorney Can Help

Hiring an Experienced and Aggressive Drug Charge Attorney Is So Important — Your Future Is in Their Hands

If you or someone you love has been arrested, it’s likely you feel stressed or overwhelmed about what to do next and how to manage the legal and logistical aspects. The first and most important step to take in the case of an arrest is to hire an experienced and aggressive drug charge attorney. Time is of the essence and the sooner you secure legal representation, the better the attorney can help with your case.

If you or a loved one is in the Worcester area and facing criminal drug charges, do not hesitate to contact Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP online or by calling (508) 570-3037. Our dedicated and experienced team of drug crime attorneys will be able to advise and support you.

If arrested for a drug crime, your future greatly relies on how well your attorney handles your case. To understand this a bit more, we are providing some general overview to help you understand the scope of criminal drug charges.

First Comes the Arrest, Then the Charges. An Experienced Drug Charge Attorney Is Critical at This Step

Once you are arrested and processed, your case is handed off to the relevant prosecutor’s office where they will decide what you should be charged with, based on the current evidence and the statement law enforcement provided. In most states, the District Attorney’s office has 72 hours to file charges. Failure to do so means that law enforcement must release you. However, that does not mean that they cannot file charges later. Additionally, prosecutors are not obligated by their initial charges. As evidence evolves and more information is submitted, the charges can change.

Part of the reason it’s so important to hire an aggressive and knowledgeable drug charge attorney as soon as possible after an arrest is to help protect you while you are in custody. Additionally, an experienced drug crime attorney will also know how to get ahead of the case and gain a full understanding of the circumstances so they can identify your best course of action.

The Severity of the Drug Charges and the Penalties Can Vary Greatly

According to the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) of Massachusetts, in 2017, drug offenses were the third most common offense in the criminally sentenced population. The severity of the penalties for drug-related crimes depends greatly on the substances involved and what the charge is. In Massachusetts, the penalties are generally related to possession of illegal drugs, sale of illicit substances, and/or drug trafficking.

If the crime is related to a Class A drug, like heroin, the penalties are much harsher than if you are charged for a crime related to a Class D substance, like marijuana. You can learn more about the classification of drugs here but ultimately, it is most ideal to speak to a drug charge attorney that will know how to assess your specific case. There may be many other details that may influence how you are charged and their consequential penalties.

If you are facing criminal drug charges, protect yourself by immediately calling an attorney. If you are in the Worcester, MA area, the Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP team of highly experienced and aggressive criminal drug crime attorneys are ready to help defend you. Contact us online now or call (508) 570-3037.

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