Habitual Traffic Offender: How to Proceed, and What Not to Do

Contacted for Being a Habitual Traffic Offender and Wondering “Now What?” Read on for a How-to on Handling the Consequences.

A person is considered a habitual traffic offender when the registrar (RMV) indicates a combination of 12 major and/or minor moving violations within a five year period. When this number of violations are recorded, the registrar will revoke or suspend a person’s permit of license. When the RMV determines you are a habitual traffic offender, it reserves the right to revoke your license for a period of up to four years.

If you or a loved one have been found to be a habitual traffic offender and are facing license revocation, you need an experienced revocation lawyer to defend your case and restore your driving privileges. Contact the attorneys at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP today to discuss the details of your case: (508) 570-3037 or to fill out a contact form online.

Major vs. Minor Moving Violations

Major moving violations include violations such as an OUI, reckless driving, or driving with a suspended license or without a license. Leaving the scene of an accident or committing a felony with a motor vehicle are also considered to be major moving violations.

Minor moving violations include tickets for speeding, failure to stop at a stop sign or light, or driving with lapsed registration or inspection.

Regardless of the offense, keep in mind that a certain number of minor violations can lead to the same consequences as a lesser number of major violations and both are to be taken seriously. Violations that occur outside of the state you are licensed and registered in can also be counted against you.

Habitual Traffic Offender: How to Proceed

The repercussions for habitual traffic offenders are major. Being without a license, especially for a person who relies on one to earn a living, can be detrimental to your (and your family’s) economic well-being.

There are two things that you need to do right away if you have been found to be a habitual traffic offender.

  1. As soon as you are made aware of the fact that you are a habitual traffic offender, it is imperative that you abstain from driving. Driving as a habitual traffic offender could preclude you from obtaining a hardship license down the line, and may lengthen the amount of time you are without a license.
  2. Call an experienced traffic violations attorney immediately. An experienced attorney can help you understand your rights and will know what defenses are available to you. Your driving privileges are not something to take lightly.

Legal Support for Habitual Traffic Offenders

Our team of attorneys at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP are experienced in dealing with traffic violations and license revocation and can help you pursue the most favorable outcome for your case. We know the best strategies to fight traffic violations charges, and the best ways to frame your defense to restore your driving privileges and your quality of life.

To request a free consultation or to simply get in touch, call (508) 570-3037 or fill out an online contact form on the website.

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