Some Advice on How to Beat a Drug Trafficking Charge

Understanding Your Rights, When to Consult a Lawyer, and How to Beat a Drug Trafficking Charge

In the United States, drug trafficking is criminalized at both the federal and state levels. While the penalties attached to the crime of drug trafficking depend on a number of factors, drug trafficking and distribution are felony offenses, and charges can carry severe penalties when convicted. These penalties can include heavy fines, seized assets, reputation damage, and jail sentences of a year or more. For those who find themselves faced with drug trafficking charges, these realities can be daunting, and consulting an experienced attorney is a vitally important first step towards figuring out how to beat a drug trafficking charge.

If you are facing drug trafficking charges, it’s important to contact legal support immediately. If you are located in Worcester County, our team of criminal defense attorneys is highly experienced in building aggressive and successful defenses. Call us today at (508) 570-3037 for a free consultation.

Understanding the Law

There is a multitude of federal drug laws. Additionally, each state has its own set of laws governing drug use, possession, and sale. Despite the recent loosening of restrictions around marijuana use and possession in Massachusetts, penalties for unlawful possession and sale of marijuana or other controlled substances remain strict under federal law.

In addition to helping you better understand federal and state drug laws, an experienced legal team can help you determine how other factors such as prior convictions might influence your charge and what best options you have to beat it. Understanding the law is key to understanding how to beat a drug trafficking charge and consulting with an experienced criminal defense lawyer can put you in an empowered position to advocate for yourself against drug trafficking charges.

Understanding Your Rights

Any felony conviction can bring serious, lifelong consequences, but felony drug convictions are particularly harsh for what are almost always non-violent crimes. Being convicted of minor felony drug charges, even for the first time, can bring severe consequences and is nothing to take lightly.

That said, the answer to mounting a successful defense and how to beat a drug trafficking charge is with the support of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. To ensure you have the best chance of beating a drug trafficking charge with the support of an experienced attorney, it is vital that you understand your right to secure legal representation before speaking on your case.

Stay calm and refrain from signing or saying anything without a lawyer present. Police cannot listen if you call a lawyer, though they often can listen to other calls you might make when in custody. Hiring a defense attorney that has experience dealing with drug charge cases is essential when faced with potentially life-altering charges.

How to Beat a Drug Trafficking Charge and What to Expect From a Lawyer

Just because you’ve been charged with drug trafficking does not mean you will be convicted. A knowledgeable defense attorney will aggressively advocate for you and defend your rights. In many cases, there is room for an experienced attorney to come up with the right defense to beat a drug trafficking charge.

The key is to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. And though there may not be a direct solution for how to beat a drug trafficking charge, there are certainly other ways an attorney can help. There are several ways to avoid fines, jail time, and long-term consequences and a lawyer experienced in criminal drug charges may use several strategies to get charges reduced, minimize possible sentencing or beat the drug trafficking charge entirely by having the case dropped.

If you have been charged with drug trafficking, reach out to our team of professionals for a free consultation on how to beat your drug trafficking charge today: (508) 570-3037.

Let the trained professionals at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP help you with drug charges.

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