What a Drug Offense Attorney Can Do to Help You Fight Your Charges

A Drug Offense Attorney With the Right Experience Can Help You Find a Favorable Outcome in Any Drug-Related Case

An experienced drug offense attorney specializes in drug crimes including possession, sales, distribution, manufacturing, and more. When you find yourself unsure of what to do next, hiring an attorney is a smart first step. Here we’ll discuss what makes a drug offense attorney uniquely positioned to help when you need results.

If you or a loved one is facing drug charges, contact the drug offense attorneys at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP today to discuss the details of your case: (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form online.

Drug Crimes in Massachusetts

Drug crimes are a reality across the country and Massachusetts is no exception. No matter the circumstances of the alleged crime or the severity of possible punishment, contact an attorney immediately if you are facing drug-related charges.

In Massachusetts, whether a drug crime is charged as a felony or misdemeanor depends on the type and quantity of drugs involved and the level of intent. Sentencing severity for possession, sales, distribution, or manufacturing charges can range from a citation to prison time and hefty fines. Possession with intent to distribute and distribution charges both carry harsher penalties than simple possession charges. It is sometimes possible for a case to be resolved through negotiation with the district attorney.

A drug offense attorney knows the applicable law and will learn the details of your case to help you find the best path forward.

Common Defenses for Drug-Related Charges

Drug charges are among the most common criminal charges. There are several defenses that a skilled attorney can use in a drug-related case.

Illegal search and seizure

An attorney can help you argue that the evidence supporting your charges was obtained unlawfully. You have a right to a reasonable expectation of privacy and if a police search violates probable cause or is conducted without a warrant, there may be room to argue that the evidence should be suppressed.

Lack of possession

Lack of possession is another common defense. An attorney can argue that although you were found to be in the presence of a drug or controlled substance, you were not the one in actual possession.

Not a controlled substance

You can only be charged for a drug-related crime if you are found to be in holding a controlled substance. If you can show that the substance you were found near is not a controlled substance, a skilled attorney can help you get those charges dismissed. Similarly, if you have a medical authorization to possess and use the substance, your attorney may be able to have the charges dismissed.

These and other state-specific defenses may be relevant to your case. A good drug offense attorney can help you explore your options and pursue the best strategy to achieve a favorable outcome. Since failure to properly defend yourself in a drug-related case can result in life-altering consequences – especially in felony cases – hiring an experienced attorney is important.

What’s Next: Hiring a Drug Offense Attorney

A drug offense attorney can provide knowledgeable and aggressive defense for clients facing misdemeanor and felony drug charges. The best defense attorneys are always prepared to help you win.

If you are facing drug-related charges, our attorneys at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP are here to help you come up with a plan of action focused on results. To request a free consultation or to simply get in touch, call (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form today.

Source: Defenses for Drug Possession | LegalMatch

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