A Parental Rights Lawyer Can Help Empower You as a Parent

We Understand That Family Is Precious. A Parental Rights Lawyer Helps to Care For Your Family by Empowering You as a Parent.

Legally exercising parental rights can be complex and challenging. A parental rights lawyer wants what’s best for your family and can provide knowledgeable representation to help advocate for your interests and for the best interest of your child or children. Feel confident and empowered that you have the best support on your side.

If you or a loved one needs to consult a parental rights lawyer, contact the compassionate team at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP today to discuss the details of your situation: (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form online.

Understanding Parental Rights

Parents have a right to care for their children unless they are legally determined to be unfit. In the context of family law, parental rights include the parent’s right to make important decisions and to take actions on behalf of their child or children. These rights automatically apply to biological parents as well as legally adoptive parents, foster parents, and in certain cases, legal guardians. Your legal parental rights include the right to legal and physical custody of your child or children and to visitation and contact with your child or children.

Parental rights are intended to protect and ensure the well-being of your child or children and can be amended for a variety of reasons.

Factors That Can Threaten Your Parental Rights

Questions about parental rights are usually judged by the “best interests of the child” standard. There are a number of factors that could lead to changes to your parenting rights or arrangement including legal adoption, divorce, separation, or other modifications to custody arrangements.

A parent may also be determined to be unfit due to drug or alcohol abuse, significant medical issues, unclean or hazardous living conditions, or absence due to incarceration, military, or even other work obligations.

For a parent, changes to parental rights can have huge emotional, economic, and other impacts. If you are in a situation in which your parental rights are being questioned, threatened, or have been terminated, contact a parental rights lawyer right away.

When to Hire a Parental Rights Lawyer

If you wish to adjust your parenting arrangements in any way, whether to establish visitation rights, move your child out of state, seek caretaker custody of your child, or anything else, a parental rights lawyer can provide legal advice and representation that can bring enormous peace of mind and favorable outcomes for you and your family.

Our lawyers at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP have extensive experience dealing with divorce issues, child custody, modification, establishing paternity, and more. If you need the support of a parental rights lawyer, our Worcester family law attorneys can help protect your rights and diligently defend your position in court. To request a free consultation or to simply get in touch, call (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form on the website.

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