When Do I Need A Contract Dispute Attorney?

Here’s Why a Contract Dispute Attorney Is Vital to Any Breach of Contract Lawsuit

It is a common understanding that a good contract makes for good business. A breach occurs when one or more parties fail to fulfill their part of a valid agreement. Attempting to solve a breach of contract without legal help can add more stress to an already difficult time. If a controversy arises, consulting with a contract dispute attorney will help to solve the issue quickly and effectively.

If you or a loved one are involved in a breach of contract dispute, reach out to Murphy & Rudolf, LLP for a free consultation.

Call us at (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form today.

How Is a Contract Breached?

The benefit of signing a contract is to provide and clarify the details of what the involved parties agree to perform or exchange.

A breach of contract can occur as either a partial or a complete breach. If a party does not do what the contract instructs that they do, then the non-breaching party will be allowed to take legal action.

In this case, legal action often includes filing a lawsuit against the breaching party in court. If you are being sued for violating a valid contract, it’s in your best interest to seek legal advice from a contract dispute attorney.

How Is a Party Held Liable?

There are three primary approaches to hold a party liable for breach of contract. The first is an anticipatory breach. This occurs when one party acknowledges that they will not be able to fulfill the terms of the contract. Once the other party is informed, they may sue for breach of contract.

The second approach is a minor breach of contract. This happens when a small detail of the contract is unfulfilled in some way. Whatever this small detail may be, it does not violate the spirit of the agreement, and the end result can still be meaningfully provided. A common example of a minor breach involves technical errors, such as a typo or a wrong date within the contract.

The third approach is a material or fundamental breach of contract. Here, the breach is so substantial that it effectively renders the contract meaningless or impossible. These are the most common types of breaches.

Less common ways of breaching a contract include:

  • The contract is fraudulent
  • The contract terms are illegal or unconscionable
  • The contract includes a mistake of fact

How Will a Contract Dispute Attorney Help Me?

If you find yourself involved in a suit for breach of contract, you should speak with a contract dispute attorney right away. An initial consultation gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. These questions may be directly related to your case, or they may be questions about the attorney’s experience with breach of contract claims similar to yours.

Your best chance at a positive outcome lies in finding the right contract dispute attorney for you. They will help you to prepare your case, determine whether any defenses or remedies are being used against you, and provide representation in court. They will also provide assistance and give advice regarding mediation or arbitration measures.

If a disagreement arises, the legal team at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP will take appropriate action to pursue your best interests and achieve the favorable results you deserve.

For a free consultation, call us today at (508) 570-3037, or fill out a contact form on our website.

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