Arrested for a DUI in MA? Our Legal Counsel Can Help You

An Arrest for a Dui in Ma Can Be Stressful to Deal With, and Making the Wrong Decision About Your Plea Can Have a Major Impact on Your Life. Speak to Our Highly-Trained Attorneys Before Making the Mistake of Pleading Guilty. Call (508) 570-3037 for a Free Consultation Today, if You Are in the Worcester Area

In the state of Massachusetts, the law classifies drunk driving as an OUI, which stands for “operating under the influence”. More people refer to and understand this offense as a DUI, or driving under the influence.

Some people think that pleading guilty to a first DUI in MA will be the quickest and easiest way to handle the situation. However, a DUI can cost you a lot; including a fine up to $5,000 (with additional costs amounting to much greater), incarceration or house arrest with a maximum penalty of two and a half years, a license suspension of up to one year, and the incident of the DUI arrest permanently on your record.

It is a mistake for people arrested for a DUI in MA to plead guilty, especially without speaking to a trained legal team first. If you are facing legal ramifications for a recent DUI arrest, do not delay any longer in contacting the law offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP. We will help you protect your freedom to the best of our ability.

Call us today for a free consultation. We can be reached at (508) 570-3037

What a DUI in MA Entails: After the Arrest

A DUI in MA is a complex crime, carrying to a greater level of seriousness with it. This is the case, because those arrested and given a guilty charge for a DUI will have to face penalties from both the Registry and Motor Vehicles (RMV) and the courts.

Interestingly enough, the RMV itself suggests that anyone arrested for a DUI should hire a lawyer, even if the most serious penalties like jail time and fines are not part of the likely sentence. The RMV’s website states, “You’ll still go before a judge, prosecutor, and your arresting officer. You should consider hiring a DUI attorney, who can help you navigate the legal system and get the best possible outcome based on your offense.”

Here is a quick look at the legal process after a DUI arrest:

Arraignment: It is best to have your legal counsel with you when going to your arraignment, as the process can be confusing. Although the arraignment is mainly a formality of the legal process, it has a lot of importance for your defense. If you obtain a trained legal counsel before your arraignment, your lawyer will examine your case and share with you the best options available, which may involve submitting a plea of Not Guilty.

Pre-trial hearing: After 4-6 weeks of your arraignment, your legal team will meet with the prosecution to obtain all the information on your case. A deal will be offered, which you and your attorney will be able to agree or disagree with. Your attorney can then file motions to discover or suppress evidence associated with your case.

Motion hearing: The arresting officer will testify here, allowing your attorney to get the details of the arrest to determine if your rights were violated. If unlawful activities took place during the arrest, your lawyer may be able to get the case dismissed.

Trial and sentencing: After choosing a trial or bench trial, the case will be heard by a judge or jury. As your legal counsel, the law offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP will deliver aggressive defense strategies to protect your rights and your future.

Get the Best Dui Lawyers in Massachusetts on Your Side

Do not face the extremely difficult process of an arrest for a DUI in MA alone. Even if you have already pleaded guilty, it is still possible to go to trial and win. You may also be successful at trial even if you failed the Breathalyzer test. Put an experienced DUI attorney in Worcester MA on your side today. Contact us today for a free consultation: (508) 570-3037.

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