Criminal Defense Attorneys Near Me: Serving Worcester County and Surrounding Areas

Are You in the Worcester Area Looking For ‘Criminal Defense Attorneys Near Me’? The Legal Team at the Law Offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP Is Here to Represent You

If you or a loved one has been arrested, do not waste any more time searching “criminal defense attorneys near me”. Reach out to the experienced criminal defense attorneys at the law offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP instead of waiting. The success of your case, and possibly your freedom depend upon it.

Our counsel of criminal defense lawyers handle arrest cases involving criminal charges, criminal investigation, appeals, sentencing, or post-trial issues. We place skilled attention on these particular areas of criminal defense:

  • College Student Defense: including an array of juvenile crimes, alcohol crimes, school violence or vandalism.
  • Drug Crimes: including possession, sales, manufacturing, distribution, trafficking, and more.
  • OUI: including drunk driving, driver’s license suspension and revocation, sobriety tests, and vehicular manslaughter.
  • Sex Crimes: including child pornography, sex offender registry, and juvenile sex crimes.
  • Violent Crimes: including assault and battery, domestic violence, gang violence, and more.

Put the collective power of seasoned trial lawyers on your side of the aisle. Call us at (508) 570-3037 to request a completely free and confidential consultation.

Criminal Defense Attorney Near Me: How We Can Help You Now

After arrests people are often left wondering what to do to ensure the best possible outcome.

We believe the majority of trials and negotiations are won or lost depending on the lawyer’s case preparation. This is why it is in a person’s best interest to speak with an experienced trial lawyer as soon as an arrest occurs. Allowing adequate time for a legal team facilitates case preparation that exposes weakness of the prosecution.

Once a criminal defense lawyer is retained, they will begin to collect information on the evidence against you. This may involve interviewing witnesses, police, or others involved with the alleged crime. Once the information is collected, weaknesses can be detected, and a proper strategy can be developed. Experienced criminal defense attorneys will discuss the legalities and opportunities available to you along the way, including any negotiations leading to a plea bargain. If the case goes to court, then your trial lawyer will aggressively defend your rights, freedom, and future with diligence, persistence, and the utmost skill.

No case is too big or too small for us to handle. Call us at (508) 570-3037 to request a completely free and confidential consultation.

Criminal Defense Attorneys Near Me: Choose an Experienced and Proven Team to Represent Your Best Interests

Facing and fighting a criminal charge can be difficult and emotionally draining. Hiring a qualified defense attorney will help you bring a sense of peace to your mind, because you will have the assistance of someone who knows the laws, the legal system, and how to communicate with judges, juries, and opposing counsels. Having an experienced defense attorney will make each step along the way a little easier.

At Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP, we aggressively defend adults, juveniles and college students who have been charged with crimes throughout Worcester, Worcester County, and surrounding areas in Massachusetts. Call our Worcester criminal defense firm at (508) 570-3037 or contact us online to get started.

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