Criminal Defense Lawyers Near Me: The Best Representation Available

If You Are Searching “Criminal Defense Lawyers Near Me” in Massachusetts, Then Look No Further Than the Experienced Attorneys at the Law Offices of Murphy & Rudolf, LLP

If you are online searching ‘criminal defense lawyers near me’ and you are in the Worcester, MA area, then the attorneys at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP should be your destination.

Do not wait another minute if you or a loved one has been arrested. Being proactive and finding an attorney in your area to help will afford you the best results. Our team of trained lawyers have a combined 50 years of criminal law experience. They will thoroughly prepare your case by building a strong defense that focuses on exposing all of the weaknesses presented by the prosecution.

Need criminal defense now? Request a confidential consultation now: (508) 570-3037.

Criminal Defense Lawyers Near Me: Why You Need to Reach Out to a Highly-Skilled Attorney for Your Case

There is much at stake with criminal defense cases. The result of being found guilty of a criminal law case can involve jail time and significant fines, a criminal record, and the potential loss of current and future employment.

It is important to hire a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible after an arrest. Doing so will improve your chances of a lesser punishment or complete dismissal of the case. The faster you obtain representation after an arrest, the faster your lawyer can prepare a defense that exposes any holes in the prosecution’s case.

Beyond finding a defense attorney quickly, it is imperative to find one that has the knowledge that your case requires. For instance, you may need an attorney who has experience with interviewing witnesses, victims, or police. Or you may need an attorney with knowledge of sketches, polygraphs, photographs or video.

Our lawyers will stand by you, prepared with needed information on all case developments. We spend the time, energy and resources to provide the highest level of representation. Reach out to us today for a free consultation to determine how we can benefit you in your case: (508) 570-3037.

The Types of Criminal Offenses We Can Help You With

The attorneys at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP have extensive experience with a vast array of criminal law, with an emphasis on:

  • College Student Defense: involving juvenile crimes, alcohol crimes, school violence or vandalism.
  • Drug Crimes: involving possession, manufacturing, distribution, and/or trafficking of illicit substances.
  • OUI: involving drugged or drunk driving, driver’s license suspension or revocation, sobriety testing, or vehicular manslaughter.
  • Sex Crimes: involving child pornography, juvenile sex crimes, or sex offender registry.
  • Violent Crimes: involving assault, battery, domestic violence, gang violence, and more.

Get Started Today With Top Criminal Defense Lawyers Near You

We aggressively defend adults, juveniles and college students who have been charged with crimes throughout Worcester and surrounding areas in Massachusetts. Request a FREE Consultation or call (508) 570-3037 to begin our relationship today. We are devoted to effective trial lawyering. We know how to deliver aggressive defense strategies, and we know how to speak to juries and judges alike.

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