Hire a Weapons Charges Lawyer to Defend Your Rights in Massachusetts

Enlisting the Legal Guidance of a Weapons Charges Lawyer Is Your Best Option if You Want Experience and Strategic Defense on Your Side

A conviction on weapons charges can have a devastating outcome for those involved. Fortunately, well-trained criminal defense lawyers can provide legal guidance and courtroom defense to those accused.

If you or a loved one has been charged with, or is under suspicion of a weapons charge, then you need professional assistance. You can speak with a weapons charges lawyer from the law offices of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP to determine the best direction for your defense. Springfield, Worcester, and the neighboring towns of these Massachusetts cities rely on the criminal defense from our firm, which has over 50 years of cumulative experience. Contact our representatives now to discuss the specifics of your case during a free consultation: }.

Understanding Federal and State Laws on Weapon Possession, Storage, and Usage Are Essential to Creating a Solid Defense

Although the U.S. Constitution provides the right for citizens to bear arms, there are certain rules and regulations on both state and federal levels. Many of these have nuances and complexities that can be difficult to understand, including the types of weapons that can be legally owned and possessed.

Massachusetts is known as a state with some of the toughest gun laws in the country. This has both positive and negative attributes — it can be harder for people with ill-intent to get their hands on a gun, but it also makes it possible for those intending to do right by the laws to find themselves in potential trouble.

For those accused of weapons charges, there are a few defense strategies that are often considered from the start. First, there is a questioning of whether or not the accused actually had possession of the weapon and that it was under their control. The weapon must also be defined by the law as a firearm. Then there is consideration of whether or not the accused had a license to carry a weapon, and if the possession was illegal based on location.

We understand it can be difficult as a law-abiding gun owner to keep track of all the rules, and that serious penalties can be in place if any of these rules are, even unwittingly, broken. That is why our team of defense lawyers are available to help in such cases. Contact our representatives today to discuss your case during a free consultation: (508) 570-3037.

A Weapons Charges Lawyer From Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP Will Defend Your Rights Thoroughly

With 50 years of cumulative experience, our Worcester and Springfield criminal defense lawyers understand how to get favorable outcomes in court. Our firm works with private investigators and forensic experts regularly, so our strategic approach to defending clients can stand up against the toughest prosecutors. If you need a weapons charges lawyer, we can help you.

At the law office of Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP, you can expect knowledgeable legal advice and personal attention for your case. Contact our representatives now to discuss the specifics of your case during a free consultation: (508) 570-3037.

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