For Your Best Possible Outcome — Hire a Violent Crimes Attorney

A Deeper Look Into How a Violent Crimes Attorney Is Your Best Chance When Facing a Serious Charge

When it comes to some of the most severe cases fought within courtrooms, those involving violent crimes may be the most complex. Since — if convicted — these cases almost always result in severe punishments for those accused, it’s crucial to have an experienced violent crimes attorney at your side to fight for the best outcome possible.

So, if you or someone you know is expecting to face charges for a violent crime in the Worcester, MA area, be sure to contact Murphy & Rudolf, LLP, today to speak with one of our expert representatives. You can reach us online or by calling: (508) 570-3037.

What Is a Violent Crime?

There are a variety of charges that fall under this umbrella term — many of which you’ve probably heard of before. These can include:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Home Invasion
  • Kidnapping
  • Assault/Assault and battery.
  • Child abuse
  • And more

Ultimately, anything involving physical or sexual abuse against a victim will most likely be viewed as a violent crime by the court system; For the most part, each state has a similar categorization for each.

Still, the penalties associated with each case can vary, which makes it all the more important to have a qualified violent crimes attorney at your side.

What Are the Penalties for a Violent Crime?

Because violent crimes can be so different, both in terms of severity and type, it’s rare for two cases to share an identical penalty. So, even if you think your charges don’t deserve a heavy punishment, the court system may surprise you.

With that being said, there are a few common penalties seen across this area of law. These include:

  • Incarceration: Jail or prison time varies depending on the type of crime involved, though the most serious violent crimes can sometimes result in life in prison.
  • Fines and Restitution: Defendants may also be ordered to pay the court and/or the victim a fee, with some ranging as high as $50,000.
  • Probation: Sometimes, probation is sentenced in place of either of the previous penalties — or it can still be required along with all three.

As always, the severity of these penalties depends entirely on the strength of your defense team. No matter what kind of crime you are being charged for, reaching out to a violent crimes attorney at the earliest opportunity could save you from a disastrous outcome.

What Is the Defense Strategy for a Violent Crime?

The way you and your violent crimes attorney approach your case relies on the type of crime committed, the evidence presented by prosecutors, and other varying factors. As such, it is difficult to predict what defense strategy your case will require before contacting a legal expert.

Some common defense approaches can suggest that the defendant:

  • Acted in self-defense.
  • Was mistakenly identified.
  • Didn’t intend to cause severe damage.
  • Is being falsely accused.

Searching for a Violent Crimes Attorney?

Whether you need a simple question answered or a long-term legal partner to help you fight a violent crimes case, if you are in the Worcester, MA area, don’t hesitate to contact the experienced legal team at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP, for expert advice.

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