How to Find the Right Juvenile Defense Lawyer for Your Case

Even Crimes Committed as a Minor Can Have Far-Reaching Impacts on Your Life. An Experienced Juvenile Defense Lawyer Will Fight to Protect Your Future.

Even if someone breaks the law as a minor, the resounding impacts it can have on their life could still be devastating. Though the law generally does not consider juveniles capable of being criminal offenders, exceptions can be made based on age and type of crime committed. As such, if you or a loved one is facing charges as a minor, you need an experienced juvenile defense lawyer to fight for your best outcome possible. The legal experts at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP, are prepared to answer any question you might have, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or by calling: (508) 570-3037.

In this article, we’ll cover why — and how — you should find the best defense team for your case.

What Is a Juvenile Crime?

There are a few charges that minors face most often in court. These include:

  • Larceny.
  • Aggravated assault.
  • Vandalism.
  • Simple assault.
  • Drug violation.

As you can see, many of these crimes include harm directed towards another individual (usually, an adult). Should someone over 18 commit the same act, they would most certainly face something as serious as extended jail time.

As such, even minors require a juvenile defense lawyer to help them face these charges. Though courts may hold off on imposing severe punishments, the impacts can still be an incredible detriment to their lives moving forward.

What Are the Punishments for a Juvenile Crime?

If a minor does face criminal charges, the punishments ordered to them by a court usually fall into one — or many — of the following categories.

Least Severe:

  • Community service hours.
  • Mandatory counseling.
  • Fine and/or restitution.
  • Verbal warning.
  • Probation.
  • Remote monitoring via wrist/ankle bracelet.

Most Severe:

  • House arrest (usually paired with visits by counselors).
  • Placement at a juvenile detention center.
  • Placement at a household separate from their parent(s)/guardian(s).
  • Temporary placement at a juvenile detention center until transferring to an adult facility upon turning 18 (this is very rare).

Even if the given punishment seems minor, a criminal charge can have long-lasting impacts. For instance, it may impact the defendant’s job candidacy, prevent them from being accepted into colleges, halt their educational progress, and more.

How to Find the Best Juvenile Defense Lawyer?

As you can see, even juvenile crimes call for the same defense strategies as those committed by adults. Finding the right juvenile defense lawyer may seem overwhelming, but you can streamline the process by searching for the following qualities.

  • Board certification in the field of juvenile law.
  • Positive public perception of the attorney/firm (i.e., online reviews, testimonials, etc.).
  • Positive professional perception of the attorney/firm (i.e., no negative press, good industry standing, etc.).
  • No track record of misconduct.
  • Proven success rate in helping others facing similar charges.

Reaching out directly to a legal expert should also be part of your process, as you can have specific questions or concerns answered during a consultation.

If you’re ready to begin your search, there’s no better place to start than Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP. Our experienced attorneys are guaranteed to work hard to try to provide the legal defense you need for a positive outcome — call us today for a free consultation: (508) 570-3037!

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