Here’s What Happens if You Get Charged With Child Neglect

What Happens if You Get Charged With Child Neglect, and More Questions Answered

Similar to most legal statutes, child neglect depends on a number of factors before any conviction can happen. Additionally, it penalizes bystanders who could’ve taken action when the offense was carried out. These complexities are best left to industry professionals, such as the attorneys at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP, though the context is still invaluable when faced with an allegation. To help you answer the question, “What happens if you get charged with child neglect?” or for a free consultation regarding a specific case, be sure to call our attorneys at (508) 570-3037 or to fill out a contact form online.

Defining a Child Neglect Conviction

By legal definition, child neglect entails a failure by a given caretaker to provide their child with basic and developmental necessities, whether it be deliberate or negligent. If this inability to provide is a result of inadequate financial resources or a handicapped condition, then neglect isn’t present. Such necessities include adequate food and shelter, clothing, required medical care, overall supervision, emotional stability, and child development. Furthermore, neglect isn’t limited to any certain location – it can happen whether it’s in the house, at the store, or on the street.

Child neglect is often established by discerning whether the child in question receives adequate:

  1. Food and shelter
  2. Clothing and hygiene
  3. Medical, dental care
  4. School enrollment and attendance
  5. Direct supervision

Additionally, negligence arises if a child is exposed to drug or alcohol abuse, domestic violence, or a reported sexual offender. Cases of child neglect are majorly dependent on witnesses to come forward with their suspicions by reporting to a local DCF office, or calling (800) 792-5200 to reach the Child-at-Risk Hotline.

Penalties Associated With Child Neglect

Chapter 265-13L of the Massachusetts general statutes makes it clear that those found guilty of child neglect can face a felony of up to 2.5 years in prison, and is defined as “wantonly or recklessly” creating a heightened risk of bodily injury or sexual abuse to a child. These consequences also apply to bystanders who fail to take action upon witnessing such treatment, with a fine of up to $1,000.

Cases of this magnitude are more so aimed towards child endangerment situations, such as drunk driving with a child in the car or leaving a child alone inside or outside of the home.

How Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP Can Help

For a deeper understanding of what happens if you get charged with child neglect, reach out to the industry professionals at Rudolf Smith rather than self-educating via Google. Our firm understands that mistakes are made, and we are here to assist you in attaining the best possible outcome for your case. Working with an experienced attorney will ensure that you understand any confusing charges, keep you up-to-date on important developments, and ultimately bring a sense of comfort to your situation.

If you’ve been perusing Google searches for, “what happens if you get charged with child neglect,” now you have a general idea. Those found guilty of child neglect have the potential to face up to two and a half years in prison, while bystanders can experience fines themselves of up to $1,000 if they didn’t take action. Rather than stressing yourself out reading article after article, however, consider asking an attorney what your best course of action is. The attorneys at Rudolf Smith have quelled enough child neglect cases to handle your unique situation, no matter the caveat. To request a free consultation or to simply get in touch, call (508) 570-3037 or fill out an online contact form on the website.

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