Can You Bail Out of Jail on a Probation Violation?

If You Are Asking – Can You Bail Out of Jail on a Probation Violation – You Should Know That the Best Attorney Achieves the Best Outcomes

Life moves on while you are on probation. Sometimes you make a mistake and end up violating your terms. You find yourself asking, – can you bail out of jail on a probation violation? – Don’t panic. There are several legal avenues that you can take with your attorney to get out of jail, depending on your specific violation circumstances and your probation requirements and terms.

You may be wondering what avenues are available to you. Read on to find out the factors that influence whether or not you can bail out of jail on a probation violation.

A violation of probation attorney with experience, like the lawyers at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP, can represent you in front of a probation officer court hearing and achieve favorable outcomes. To request a free consultation, call Murphy & Rudolf, LLP at (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form on our website.

I Wound up in Jail for Violating My Probation. What Happens Next?

You want to know: can you bail out of jail on a probation violation? Several considerations will determine if you or your loved one will be given a chance to post bail. Factors including whether your violation was a misdemeanor or a felony, whether it was transactional or violent, and other similar details will impact the situation.

The bail amount will differ from county to county, but all follow a set bail fee schedule. Generally speaking, if someone committed a misdemeanor, they have a better chance of having the opportunity to post bail than if they committed a felony while on probation. This is because judges and probation officers generally consider misdemeanors- such as technical or moving violations- less serious probation violations than other criminal acts.

The Type of Probation Violation Matters

Even though mistakes happen, there are still terms agreed to when someone is on probation. Usually, these terms dictate the responsibilities that the person on probation agrees to uphold, such as refraining from criminal activity and remaining away from other criminally involved people. The main factor to answer the question, “can you bail out of jail on a probation violation” is whether a misdemeanor or a felony was committed.

Can You Bail Out of Jail on a Probation Violation if Your Violation Is a Felony?

Generally speaking, it is unlikely you can bail out on a felony violation. This is because for someone who already has a criminal conviction on record, adding a felony violation is another criminal act on top of the existing conviction. Multiple criminal issues make the odds of bailing out of jail lower. Talk to your lawyer about what your options might be.

What if Your Probation Violation Is a Misdemeanor?

If you committed a nonviolent, transactional, or technical violation- like speeding or not submitting paperwork, you are more likely to be able to post bail out of jail on a probation violation. Judges may look favorably on integrating an offender back into society if there was no additional intentional criminal activity.

In this circumstance it is likely you be released pending your probation hearing, hinging on the probation officer’s adjudicator’s decision. No matter your circumstances, it is always best to contact a knowledgeable attorney to help you with your probation violation issue.

Hire an Attorney

The knowledgeable attorneys at Murphy & Rudolf, LLP have years of combined experience assisting and representing people who violate probation and advocating for the option to post bail. Hiring the best attorneys leads to the best outcomes.

While you may not have a jury of your peers available during hearings for violating your probation, your experienced attorney will advocate on your behalf to get you the opportunity to bail out of jail after a probation violation.

Contact Rudolf Smith, LLC., where trusted advocacy and dedicated service is just a call away at (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form.

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