Know When to Call a Federal Crime Lawyer

When You Need Legal Defense for Federal Charges, Hire a Federal Crime Lawyer With Extensive Experience in the Federal System.

Facing federal criminal charges can be a very unsettling experience. Federal crimes tend to carry more severe consequences than state crimes and there are vast resources available at the federal level to prosecute crimes. It is advisable for anyone facing federal criminal charges to hire an experienced federal crime lawyer immediately.

If you or a loved one is under investigation or facing federal criminal charges, contact the federal crime lawyers at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP today to discuss the details of your case: (508) 570-3037 or fill out an online contact form on the website.

What Constitutes a Federal Crime?

Crimes that can be prosecuted in federal court include any activities explicitly criminalized by federal law as well as:

  • Crimes that cross state or federal borders
  • Crimes involving interstate or international commerce
  • Crimes that are committed on federal property

The laws governing federal crimes are complex and navigating them requires extensive legal expertise.

Examples of federal crimes are many. Bank robbery, kidnapping, identity theft, illegal wiretapping, election fraud, counterfeiting, carjacking, exploitation of children, immigration offenses, domestic terrorism, federal hate crimes, federal bribery crimes, federal drug crimes are just a familiar few.

How Federal Crimes Are Prosecuted

Many activities that are criminal at the federal level are also criminal at the state and local levels. In such cases, it is up to the discretion of federal prosecutors as to whether or not they are charged in federal courts.

Federal courts have access to far greater resources than state courts and federal prosecution is notoriously harsh. Federal crimes require tight defense. Whatever your situation, if the charges you face are federal charges, it is strongly advisable that you seek legal counsel from a federal crime lawyer with a proven record of successfully defending crimes in federal courts.

Why Was I Contacted?

If you were contacted by a federal agent, first figure out whether you are being contacted as a suspect or a witness and what the investigation is about. Beyond that, you should secure legal counsel with a federal crime lawyer before any further questioning or providing further information.

Hire a Federal Crime Lawyer – Don’t Face Federal Charges Alone

More than 90% of cases prosecuted in federal courts are convicted. Federal prosecutors are very experienced and have all been chosen to serve at the federal level. They are notoriously tough. It is important for anybody facing federal criminal charges to retain a federal crime lawyer who is equally tenacious and experienced.

Our federal crime lawyers are versed in federal law, federal courts, key Supreme Court decisions and federal sentencing guidelines. If you want to achieve the best possible outcome, our team of attorneys at Rudolf, Smith, Griffis & Ruggieri, LLP are ready to speak with you. To request a free consultation or to simply get in touch, call (508) 570-3037 or fill out a contact form on our website.

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